diagnosed osdd-1b, c-ptsd, secondary structural dissociation associated with cluster b personality disorders. parts listed below blend socially into a collaborative and cohesive (always adult) whole.
saoirse. one third of core, emotional amnesiac.
ellie. one third of core, severe parentification.
ben. protective introject, preventative reaction.
posy. part fictive, traumatic memory holder.
caoimhe. one third of core, logistics, steadying.
remie. last resort, traumatic response holder.
lowry. persecutory introject, protective intent.
see characters i frequently layout here or a slightly more extended kinnie list here. friends can ask for more specific details if they care to. i do have more alters than these seven who obviously also share in my life – but their influence isn't one we're really comfortable using social media while under given that they hold a smaller role in my psyche and fill more traumatic, specialized, or regressive niches. they are however all listed on my emoji code, where i do go into slightly more depth about my system and how it operates. close friends who already have my priv twitter can ask for any other information, including for a link to my other, longer system crd. oooooooo

tropes: .mom friend, alien
a. monster-that-you-made
tenderly wed morosexuals
❤️° rose thorburn jr, pact
galinda, wicked stage ver
helen r, ..magnus archives
meulin leijon, homedstuck
vanitas,-the case study of

>LOWRY. cure thyme

tropes: cruel megalomania
j horror hair, sapphic vibes
subpar copies, dependable
💜° the master, doctor who
faith lehane, buffy unforch
honoka maki,>kiznaiver au
thorn,...cali effect overdose
blair waldorf,... xoxo gossip

>REMIE. cure sorrel

tropes: washed-up, moral
compass, revolution lover
manic upswing, dare me?
💙° xie-lian, tian guan cf
hakuno kishinami,-ex/ccc
julie k-apulsky, motorcity
tamaki suoh,..hshc anime

>CELIA. cure parsley

tropes:woften possessed
unshakable sense of self
blood magic, earth gore
💚°wpoison ivy, batman
vexahlia de'rolo, critrole
mami tomoe, magia rec

>BEN. cure garlic

tropes: introvert, depressed
amoral science, claire's emo
pushover for pink girls only
🧡° neptune, .wktd true end
watanuki, xxxholic & clamp
obanai iguro, kimetsu n yai
riza hawkeye,. brotherhood
dirk strider,.....unfortunately

>POSY. cure chai

tropes: pink, going it alone
best friend next door, bitch
surviving childhoods wrong
💛° sakura, cardcaptor tbrc
wendy darling, .ptr pan '03
ruruka andou, danganronp
rachel berenson, .animorph
feferi peixes, hemostuck au

>SOFIA. cure chive

tropes: princess,-prophet
unexpected skill, airhead
& spoiled but not soured
🤎° ryou bakura, yugiohs
changeling,..pathologic 2
kyrie.goshima, ji.uzumaki
river tam,..j.w. free firefly